Sunday, April 18, 2010


Ahh, trends. We all recall what was popular when we were in middle school and high school—sometimes with humor, sometimes with horror. Some trends are ephemeral, fads that fade with time (remember disco?), while others indicate a new and growing dimension of society (that Internet, it’ll never catch on).

The availability and speed of communication today means trends spread faster with each email and Tweet.

Despite the rapid emergence of ever-changing trends, teachers are urged to get to know students. In my School of Education courses, we’re told to stay in touch with what kids know and like so that we can draw on their interests and show them that we care about what’s important to them.

I’m starting this blog to share with other teachers what I know of today’s teen trends while I’m still young enough to view fads from both student and adult perspectives.

Right now, I’m only a few years older than high school seniors. I watched some of the same TV shows as them when I was young (ahh, Spongebob). I liked the same movies (the Star Wars prequels seemed good at the time). I read the same books (literally growing up with Harry Potter).

But I've also spent four years studying pedagogy. I've written lesson plans and led gaggles of adolescents. I constantly look for connections to the classroom.

So I’ll endeavor to share my “expertise” in youth culture with anyone who feels more removed from today’s secondary students.

Here’s how it will work:

Each blog entry will be on a different trend, or theme.

I’ll explain that theme.

I’ll answer some frequently asked questions.

I’ll provide examples and links to sites with further information.

I’ll discuss ways you can use each trend in the classroom.

I welcome comments, questions, and requests, so please share your thoughts! I appreciate feedback.

I hope this blog helps and provides a useful resource!

Next entry: Internet Slang, or “IDK, What Do All These Acronyms Mean?”

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